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Thoses who leave

Niger July 2016. With eight children by woman, Nigeria has the world’s highest natality birthrate and is the 6th poorest country in the world. The division of farmlands between the members of always growing up families and the depletion of farmlands led Nigerians to go into exile for Europe or north Africa’s countries.

Claire Meynial, who won the Albert Londres price in 2016, and Michaël Zumstein, have been investigating in the Zinder region where a lot of womens took the road to Algeria.

In June 2016, thirty-four people, including twenty children, are death in the desert, abandonned by their smuggler who was supposed to lead them to the Algeria’s border. An imigration industry has took place in the cities of Ragana and El Dawan, in the South Niger. Its goal it’s to carry people begging in the streets of Oran, Setif or Alger.

People who went back from this long journey are admired for the goods (like beef, motocycle or metal sheets) that they can pay with the money they earned that way. Despite the terrifying stories of their living conditions, they make every day more and more envious people.

READ MORE ON LE POINT (France) BY Claire Meynial


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